Thursday, December 10, 2009

Broadway or TV?

I auditioned today with Ryan Daly from LA and if I get a call back then this could mean I could start doing TV shows and films. But what I REALLY want to do is musicals and my dream is to be on Broadway. I'm part of the Missoula Children's Theatre Performing Arts Camp and am one of the top 200 actors and singers in th US, Mexico, and Canada (non professionals). If I do get the call back what should I choose? I want to become famous and my family needs the money but I like doing musicals and my goal is to be on Broadway. If I choose to go with the call back then I can kiss my dream of being on Broadway good bye.

Broadway or TV?events

it is not true that you will be kissing your broadway dream goodbye. Infact, many of our, now, broadway stars are or were film actors. They were discovered b/c they were on film and showed how they could act. I say go for the film carreer and get into Broadway later on.

Broadway or TV?home theatre opera theater

Go to Los Angeles and pursue both careers. Los Angeles, believe it or not has theater as well.

Or, go to London. There they have a booming television business and probably the best theater district in the world. Plenty of opportunities to try a hand at both things.

Television acting pays better. Because even after a days work, you still get residual checks.
Doing TV shows and films doesn't mean you can't do Broadway. Broadway today relies heavily on TV and film stars, for one thing. For another, it's become quite gimmicky, picking up young talent from American Idol and the recent audition show to cast Grease. You can do musicals in LA and you never know, one of the connections you make out there in a musical can lead to Broadway, perhaps even the show you're doing itself. Also, you'll have an agent out in LA - tell him you're interested in Broadway, and if the right part comes along, he'll arrange an audition for you. Often casting people look for new talent in other cities.
Broadway, Broadway, Broadway!

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