Saturday, December 5, 2009

Were Cro-Magnon creatures of god?

Cro-Magnon鈥瞫 (40,000 to 10,000 years ago) signs of cannibalism in the caves of Chou-Kou-Tien in China show that these acts were performed as a religious ritual. Skulls of killed enemies were scraped and emptied of their brains to be consumed. Nevertheless, they were intelligent beings that were barely starting on the art path. And they presumably rendered the Neanderthal extinct as a more adaptable contender.

This is so long before christianity that the notion is even ridiculous. Were they creatures of god? If they were, why did they disappear? Why did we... evolve... into something else?

Or maybe christians want to deny the existence of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal? I鈥瞕 like to hear a scientific reason to that!

Were Cro-Magnon creatures of god?opera music

If you are looking for a scientific answer, I am sorry to say you have come to the wrong place. This is more of a "we ain't come from no monkeys" kind of place.

Were Cro-Magnon creatures of god?opera sheet music opera theater

I believe that all life forms that live or have ever lived are creatures of God.
You must be a cannibal. We have found evidence that modern humans killed humans and ate them. You are a human, therefore, you are a cannibal. Or perhaps, I am over generalizing.

God created all things and knows all things so yes, all are creatures of God.
Do a little research please. The "Cro-Magnon men" were exactly the same biologically as "modern humans." Science admits that there is NO physical difference. None.

SO "cro-magnons" did not "evolve into something else." Cro-magnons were the SAME as us.

Scientists do try to make Neanderthals a different "subspecies" of humans. In Bible terms, Neanderthals would be the same "kind" as modern humans. The so-called "Neanderthals" were people just like us. If you could go back in time and get a Neanderthal, bring him to our day, shave him and put him in a suit---------

You wouldn't notice him as he walked down the sidewalk! They were the same as us. Culturally they were different. Physically they were the same (within normal limits of variance between races).
I was going to give you an answer, but after reading samuelcrow777's answer I am going to lay down for a bit.
If I told you that Cro-Magnons did not exist would you believe me? And if I told you that the cavemen and the dinosaurs bones were created by the devil to deceive you would you believe me? Probably not, as people are hung up on "evolution", which did not happen. Man was never a monkey or an ape. Does God look like an ape, or a Cro-Magnon?

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