Saturday, December 5, 2009

Has anyone ever read "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe???

Hi i am currently reading, "Things Fall Apart", by Chinua Achebe, and i have to do a cultural project about the book... may i have your suggestions on which project i should do that best relates to the book:

1.Read the folktale "Tortoise and the Birds" and write an original African Folktale.

3.Draw a character sketch of Okonkwo and show how he is symbolic of his culture.

4.Create a storyboard or photograhic essay representing the key moments in the book.

5.Research African music and perform a dance in collaboration with the music.

6.Create a work of art that examines the role superstition and religion play in, "Things Fall Apart"

7.Create an African mask that reflects a character's reaction to a situation in the book.

8.Create a poster that it titled, "Life in Nigeria", compare your research to "Things Fall Apart"

9.Create a mask that show's the character's personality

10.Make a recipe that orginates in Ibo or Nigerian culture for the class. The food items should beinthenovel

Has anyone ever read "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe???concert venue

I would do number 3 because it seems the easiest. When I have to do a project i always choose the easiest project. I had to read "Things Fall Apart" for summer homework and i had to do a report on it. honestly, i did not like the book at all.

Has anyone ever read "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe???events opera theater

Well about relating best to the book I'd definitely say 3. To be honest it depends on what you're good at/enjoy. If you're a more artistic person and not the essay-writing time, then do something like 6. I'm a literature student and this is a work of literature so I'd certainly go for 3.

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