Here's something I've wondered for years.
Why is it that those who are paid the most also get the largest amount of perks and ease? Things like a reserved parking space, an office with a window, being exempt from helping clean the employee break room, etc.
My former boss had an 800 sq. ft. office [and needed very little of it], yet I had to contend with a cramped 8 x 10 foot cubicle. That's just an example from my "day job" universe. In my performing arts work, the leads are paid more and have better dressing rooms, while supporting roles and chorus are paid less and have to cram into communal dressing rooms. [When I do leads, I always bring snacks and other fun things to share.]
So, why do you think this inequity exists? Perhaps it's just my humanitarian socialism showing, but it seems patently obvious to me that those that are being paid less should be compensated with some perks, while those being paid more should have to do more work and not be treated like royalty.
Why is there so much inequity at work?performing show
I think its just one of the perks of being human. Look at a pack of wolves, the strongest eat first and get to carry on their genes....where as in the human world though you may be very bright you might not always end up with the window view at work...why? because the guy who has it doesnt believe in playing fair....he fights dirty to get to where he wants to he isnt necasarly the strongest.....ok so that didnt really answery anything...but its how i view things i gues...bah! lol ok someone else answer cause now i want to know
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